Hawaii Living

450 Hao St (アイナハイ)

1 / 23
  • 価格: $8,650,000
  • 土地面積: 約408,583m²
  • 売出し期間: 6日間
  • 固定資産税: $ 62 / 月

The attractiveness of this property is the size of the land, there's a flat area on top zoned urban. Zoned R-7.5 and P-1 Conservation land. Possible uses inursery, other, park/recreation, agriculture. Ideal for one or two residence this property is not suited for large scale development. Property to be sold with 2249 Hikino Street listed for $1.3 million mls# 202507067. One or more photos have been enhanced.

450 Hao St, ホノルル
  • MLS: 202507098
  • 税金番号: 1-3-6-4-18-0
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